Four Pillars of Destiny – Practical ten Gods


Four Pillars of Destiny – Practical ten Gods

The Ten Gods method of analyzing Chinese astrology bazi charts looks at the different aspects of a person’s life, such as the parents, siblings, children, spouse and wealth.

Unlike traditional books about the Ten Gods method, this book incorporates the charts of more than 200 famous individuals to illustrate the Ten Gods theory in a clear, straightforward and easy to understand format. The Pillars that conform to the Ten Gods theory are highlighted so that the reader is able to identify them and their effects.

Pages: 248 / 6×0.81×9 / 15.24×2.06×22.86 / Paperback

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Practical ten Gods

This book discusses the Ten Gods approach in language that is easy to understand. There are many examples that illustrate each possibility of the Ten Gods theory so that readers will be able to follow it step by step. Readers will be able to apply the theory to their lives.


Four Pillars of Destiny –

Practical ten Gods

In 2021, borders were still closed, so for the first time since 2009, I was not able to fly to San Francisco to study with my teacher Lily Chung. However, she was able to teach me on Zoom, and I was also using Zoom to teach my own students.

During the pandemic, Lily had time to explore the Ten Gods approach and came up with her own findings. She then divided the information into six different classes. The Ten Gods looks at the five aspects of a person’s life: Power, Output, Wealth, Resource and Self/Rivals.

The traditional approach to the Ten Gods had very controversial statements that can no longer be applicable today, i.e. a woman with a mix of Power elements does not have any morals. I decided to go the opposite way, ensuring that only the theories that are relevant and that can be proven were included. I felt that I had a responsibility to readers to show each example that conformed to a theory. The traditional approach of writing about the Ten Gods did not have much accountability and only showed a few examples.

The book is meant as a textbook for students who want to study the Ten Gods in detail. In the class, we go through more practical examples that incorporate all the different Ten God theories.