Feng Shui: a Hong Kong Perspective


Feng Shui: a Hong Kong Perspective

For those who would like an introduction to the subject of Feng Shui and also other aspects of Chinese culture, this book is ideal. Each article is less than 250 words and gives easy to digest information that is reader-friendly and does not need any prior knowledge of the subject.

Pages: 245 / 5.91×0.79×8.19 / 15.01×2.00×20.80

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Feng Shui: a Hong Kong Perspective

This is my first ever book, a collection of columns that were written for the South China Morning Post. Published on 16th October 2010, it is a timeless collection of practical Feng Shui advice written from the heart, with good old-fashioned offline research and personal experience.


Feng Shui:

a Hong Kong Perspective

This was my first ever book, published by Golden Hoard Publishing, owned by my good friend Dr Stephen Skinner. The book is a collection of five years’ worth of Feng Shui columns from the leading English newspaper in Hong Kong, The South China Morning Post.

My first column ran on March 6, 2005 and I still have a big smile on my face as I recall the excitement of seeing my name in print for the first time. The columns ran on the back page of the Sunday magazine below the horoscopes in full colour. The editor wanted them to be around 250 words and more importantly, leave the reader with some practical information that they could apply in their day-to-day lives. It was a major breakthrough for an English newspaper in Asia to publish a column about Feng Shui at that time, as it was considered to be an esoteric subject.

Stephen gave me my breakthrough when he suggested that I compile five years’ worth of columns into a book. The Sunday magazine was published 50 times a year, with a break for Christmas and Chinese New Year. He came up with the title A Hong Kong Perspective as the columns were initially published there. It was also an acknowledgement of my father, who had made Hong Kong his permanent home. He was so happy with the columns that he would get his secretary to fax them to his best friend every week.

There was a print run of 1000, with half of them staying in Johor Bahru, Malaysia and the other half shipped to Hong Kong. I learnt the ropes of promoting and distributing the product to bookshops the traditional way prior to the online shopping days. Looking back, it really was a different world then. I am thankful to have had that experience.

So this is a real collector’s item as it is no longer available in its original form. A revised version Practical Feng Shui Tips was issued in 2020.